"There are more innovative ways to die than you think. The film is the product of the fifth year of war, it tells the story of a group of Syrian citizens, who escaped from Aleppo's countryside to live on the outskirts of Tartous, and were pulled into another vortex of death". This film is the product of workshops in documentary making, held in cooperation between the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Peace Lens, which was the principal trainer and the general supervisor on film production.
Instead of delving in stereotypes about locals, the participants went “underground, above the sky and between olive trees”. The workshop headed towards a forgotten place on the city’s outskirts, a refugee camp, in an attempt to discover the new dark side, which was left behind by war in this city. Trapped behind an imaginary barrier, the camps settlers had some stories to tell. The participants of this workshop looked for that barrier, went inside the camp and documented the circumstances of its inhabitants.
Basma (We Resist to Bring Back a Smile) is a national volunteer organization for children with cancer and their families. It began operating since November 2005 and case seeds started in November 2003 }